Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Dancer 2nd Try

Fixed my grid dimensions. Looks a little better I will try this one a couple more times see if I can make it look better.


This is a practice sketch I am going to try and do the whole body on this. I used the "grid" system for this. The squares on my grid were too short that is why she looks kind of compressed vertically. Need work on hands good grief. Took about 45 minutes.

Legs and hips

Some stuff I did before the previous post. Decided to add the arms and such. Need to learn feet and hands.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Female figure

All day it took to make this. I made around 20 junk ones then around 4-5 hips and legs. Then I decided to make a full figure. They will get better (I hope). I will post my leg sketches.

-3-4 hours

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Female Sketch

Sketch took about an hour. Tried a new way of doing hair maybe need to learn some hairstyles. Tried putting jewelery on her.

Monday, November 13, 2006

I got some charcoal pencils yesterday and touched up some light sketches. Makes a big difference. A little messy though.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Starting some figure drawing. Just doing kind of stick figures and putting them in poses. After a gazillion of these I'll add more detail.


Some skulls and figure stuff. I should have posted this stuff a couple of weeks ago.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Eyes/Nose study

Tried drawing just some eyes and half noses trying to get as much detail as I can.

-Pencil copy paper
-around 20 min each

Trying to show some emotion

I don't know I think this one looks like crap. Maybe Ellen Degeneris or the chick from Strangers With Candy. I don't think it is very good though.

-about 1 hr

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Female first try with long hair

My first try with long hair. Really took my time to make the left look like the right. Turned out pretty good. Kinda looks like Morgan Fairchild yeah that's the ticket.

-1.5 hours pencil
-no reference
-no photoshop cleanup

Friday, November 03, 2006

3 more female sketches

Two more. Pencil 30 min bottom in sketchbook top on copy paper.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

First female sketch

This turned out pretty good. Used the book for the lips and eyes made a difference. Going to try another one tonight with a different hair style. Maybe more detail in the lips.

1 hour, pencil, reference lines removed in Photoshop

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Deana got me a cool book on sketching heads and anatomy yesterday for halloween and man did it help. Human ears and hair that looks half way decient. Kinda looks like Dustin Hoffman with a nose job.

Need to start working on shoulders and chest.

Well I am all caught up I have nothing more to scan guess I better get drawing so I have something to scan tomorrow.

The one on the left done with pencil. On the right with a drawing pencil set I got think it takes 8 pencils they do a nice shading job. My face proportions are getting a little better. Necks are too wide though. One more post then the posts will be the same day I sketched the pic.

Pencil sketches

Some sketches I like the one on the left. The one the right did not scan very well. Done with Pencil

Pen shading first try

I am trying to get away from the Manga (Japanese Anima) type I seem to have fallen into. I like the little guy on the right. Deana said the guy in the middle looks like her clients. More to come till I catch up to where I am at. There is definetly progress.
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Second Try 3/4 heads

Second try Deana says my faces look too angry. I am not going to color for a while so I can post more. Only so much time in the day. Pencil only 56 pages left in the sketchbook I started in 1988. I think I will have a party when I fill it.

First 3/4 views of head

I tried MySpace (limits your pics) but don't like it Yahoo 360 either. I will be posting my sketches to keep track of my progress. If you want to see how I am doing great if not ok.
Sketched on paper colored with paint shop. I think they turned out ok.